
CV King 是一群擁有豐富招聘及職涯輔導經驗的專業人仕及公司高層,任職於管理諮詢、資訊科技、工程、物流、採購、零售、FMCG、製造業、金融、會計、審計、物業管理、電子商貿、教育、銷售、營銷…等行業
CV King 為你量身定制,代寫CV,讓你在競爭中脫穎而出。我們的專業求職信 (CV) 代寫服務將製作你的履歷表,以盡可能最相關和最有影響力的方式展示你的技能、素質、知識和能力。
CV King is a group of professional & senior management with solid experience with hiring and career advisory in Management Consulting, Information Technology, Engineering, Supply Chain, Purchasing, Retail, FMCG, Finance, Accounting, Audit, Property Management, E-Commerce, Education, Sales, Marketing …
我們的服務 (CV代寫 / Resume代寫 / 履歷代寫 / Cover Letter 代寫 / 求職信代寫)

1. 專為求職者度身訂造代寫Resume
2. 讓你的CV提升至另一水平
3. 使你更容易獲得面試機會
1. Tailor made CV write-up service
2. Bring your CV to next level
3. We help you to earn an interview ticket!
How it works

1. 免費諮詢 Free Consultation
Free consultation on your CV via a phone call

2. 完成CV CV Done
1st draft of CV in 1 day, work-done in 3 days
Unlimited revision until satisfied

3. 付款 Pay
PayMe、支付寶 (AlipayHK)、轉數快 (FPS)、PayPal、銀行過數 (Bank Transfer)
已撰寫CV數目 :
No. of CV completed :
覆蓋工作職能 :
Job Functions Covered :
可供選擇CV模板 :
Available CV Template :
履歷表 (CV) 代寫服務收費
基本履歷表 (CV) 代寫服務: Basic CV Services

Newbie HKD 680
適用於Final Year學生及應屆畢業生
For Final Year Student and Fresh Graduate

Seasoned HKD 1080 up

Sage HKD 1,380 up
增值服務 Value-Added Services

求職信 Cover Letter HKD 380 up

LinkedIn Profile HKD 280 up

其他 Others... (可議 Negotiable)
- 面試輔導 Interview Coaching
- 筆試準備 Written Test Preparation
- 職涯輔導 Career Mentoring
- 專業翻譯 Professional Translation
- Package Negotiation Advisory
- and more …
最新服務 Latest Service

能力傾向測試 Aptitude Test Service HKD 280 up
不成功不收費 Free of Charge if test fails*
* 需提供證明以作退款 refund subject to proven provided
客戶評價 Testimony
“This is absolutely perfect! I want to pass along my sincere appreciation to CV King’s service for the excellent resume. The advice from CV King and attention to details, plus the time spent discussing the details with me on the phone, were most appreciated. Also CV King was very responsive and exceeded my expectations on quality and timeliness. CV King provided ideas and consulted with me on what would be best for marketing my background and accomplishments to prospective companies. My deepest thanks to CV King.
“I had 3 different hiring managers comment on how much they liked the layout, the style, and how it outlined and highlighted my strengths. Beside CV and Cover Letter write-up, CV King also provided valuable comments on my career development which is helpful to my interviews. I have accepted a position last week, less than 30 days from the time I engaged CV King, who does not only help me earn an interview ticket but a new career. THANK YOU, CV King”
“I never wrote a CV for more than 20 years since I started my career in the same company. I would like to say thank you to CV King who helped summarizing my career into a very impressive CV. I appreciate the quick turn around time and professional opinions CV King had for me. And I would absolutely recommend CV King to any of my friends or colleagues who need the service. Thank you very much.”
“My elder son is 7 years old and I haven’t been working for almost 8 years. I want to say thank you to CV King and express how pleased I have been with CV King’s service. I never think of how could a CV of a working mum be that fantastic. I am going to resume my career very soon. Thanks again.”
- 抄襲成份:如果每個人都用同一份履歷範本,有機會跟其他求職者相似甚至相同,會影響對方對自己的印象。
- 欠彈性:這些平台都不容許Resume export到可編輯的格式(如Microsoft Word) 。有少部份是可以的,但需付費。
- 隱藏收費承上,還有不少功能,如去除水印(Watermark)都需付費才能使用。
不是!CV King是由一群擁有豐富招聘及面試求職者經驗的公司高層及專業人仕組成。我們亦不是公司內的HR,我們只是Hiring Managers,每次有員工離職需填補空缺或有新職位時,都需要review大量應徵者的履歷,所以我們對怎樣的履歷內容及格式才能吸睛有一定的見解,希望值此幫助更多求職者。
CV King 提供全香港獨有的履歷代寫(CV代寫 / Resume代寫)和求職信 (Cover Letter) 代寫服務:
- 不滿意不收費
其他服務商都是「先收費,後服務」,CV King是「先服務,不滿意,不收費」。CV King有別於其他「快餐店」式的服務商,我們提供的是五星級服務,顧客享用完我們提供的專業服務後才付費。
- 無限次無限時修改
其他服務商都是限定次數修改或只於限期內容許修改,CV King認為顧客於「無限次無限時」情況下,能於百忙之中及無壓力下與CV King交流,令自己的履歷更能乎合自己要求。
對!CV King 對所提供的服務質素絶對有信心令每一位顧客滿意;而我們的顧客亦相當有誠信,開業以來,我們並沒有令任何一位顧客不滿意而不能完成服務。
你們有Express Service Charge嗎? 沒有!其他服務商一般於3至5天內才完成first draft,CV King提供的基本服務已經是express service,首稿一般於一天內付上,最快能於3小時內完成而沒有額外收費;整個服務一般能於3天內完成。絕對是你的履歷代寫推薦。
CV King除了提供CV代寫、Resume代寫及履歷代寫服務外,還提供求職信代寫(Cover Letter代寫)服務,其實有關求職的任何服務如面試或筆試準備、LinkedIn 賬戶設定等,也是我們的服務範圍。
CV King 代寫的履歷主要為英文,亦會因應特別需求,提供中文履歷表代寫服務。